Thursday 6 September 2012

What to eat in Beijing China

When you join in a Beijing China Tour, You want to see the top attractions; you want to visit the Great Wall, you want to shopping in China and you also want to taste the Chinese food ...

Beijing Duck

Talk about Beijing food : you will first think about the Beijing Duck

There are many famous Beijing duck restaurant, however the most famous are the Beijing Quanjude Duck Restaurant and the Beijing Dadong Duck Restaurant.

Beijing Royal Cuisine

As Beijing is the Chinese capital, the Beijing imperial cuisine is a must to try when you travel to Beijing.

One of the best Beijing imperial cuisine restaurant is in the Beijing Beihai Park called Beijing Fangshan imperial cuisine restaurant.

The imperial cuisine price is not cheap, but you can feel how was the Chinese emperor living ...

Hot Pot

The hot pot is the most popular food in Beijing.

Most local Chinese like to eat hot pot any season.

Enjoy is Beijing food tour, when you travel to China.


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